Conceptron Associates Independent Audio-Visual Design Consultants

• Animatronics - Robotics - Figures

Return to INDEX
Atta Inc. - figures, objects, 3D surfaces
AVG - themed experiences
BigBuzzDesigns - foam sculptures
Cybernet Interactive - FireFly motion capture
Dorfman Museum Figures
Exhibit Forms Company
Fabulous Inflatables
International Robotics Inc. - robots & talking heads
International Robotics Inc. - specialty performers
Inuktun - robotic crawler cams
K-bot robotic face
Kokoro Co.,Ltd. - animatronics & robotics
Kokoro Dinosaurs
LEGO MindStorms
LEGO SpyBotics
Matrox - 3D talking head with HeadCasting
Mobot, Inc. - interative tour guide robots
Mondo-tronics' Robot Store - robot kits, muscle wires, electronics, parts, books
NanoMuscle - miniature linear transducers
Nostalgic Themes - life size human figures & animals
Polhemus - RT3D motion capture sensor system
Radiometrix - low power UHF-VHF modules
Robert's Gadgets & Gizmos
RoboProbe Technologies - remote viewing & telepresence
Sally Corporation - Animatronics, Dark Rides, Special Effects
SkyDancers - air puppets
US CAVALRY - military, police, & survival gear

• Audio Guide Systems

Return to INDEX
Antenna Audio
DATATON - Pickup & Touchdown
Decade - FM transmitters (stereo Hi-Fi)
RSF (Luxembourg)
Sennheiser guidePORT - wireless digital audio exhibit guide system
Soundalive Audio Tours (UK)
Tour-Mate (Canada)

• Displays - Signs - Graphics

Return to INDEX
A Luna Blue - royalty free stock footage and imagery
Adaptive Micro Systems - LED signs & tickers
American LED-gible - LED displays
Applied Technical Systems - clocks & displays
Bass Industries - signs & poster cases
Canesta - projected keyboard (Laser)
Cycling '74 - Cyclops (controls multimedia in response to live camera input)
Digital Wisdom - maps
Display Innovation _ Interactive Poster self-contained LCD touchscreen POP
Don Bell Industries - Creative Signage
Dynascan - 360-degree LED display
Earth Observatory - The Blue Marble - Earth images
Electronic Displays - large LED and digital displays
Element Labs - VersaTile video-light display
Fiber Optic Lighting
Fiber Optic Products
Fiber Optic Systems - stars, fireworks, globes, & signs
Fiberoptic Studio - fibre optic displays
FogScreen - fog curtain projection surface
Folia Industries - custom laminates & signage
G-LEC - LED curtain
Gamma Tech Digital Imaging - slides, scanning, & printing
GammaTech - electronics signs & displays
Graphic Globe - animated LED display inside a globe
Highflying Banners
HoloPro - transparent projection surface
Ibox - video patterns modulated by audio
Image 79 Studios - large-format airbrush murals on all materials
Jestertek - gesture controlled displays
Laser Magic - holograms
Logic Controls - POP displays & hardware
Lumin-oZ - 3D screens can be vacuum formed
Lumitex - backlighting
Lynch Exhibits - I-Wall interactive monitor on linear track
Lynch Exhibits - Tilty Table innovative user input & projection device
Macromedia - Director
Milford Instruments - LCD displays & drivers
MULTIMEDIA - moving message
NASA's Visible Earth - Earth images & animations
NVIDIA - graphics cards with portrait orientation (NVRotate)
ODD Ltd. - small-scale water screens (including indoor)
Panorama Tools - panoramic stitching software
Portrait Displays - PivotPro software for portrait orientation
PTAssembler - front-end for Panoramo Tools stitching software
Rosco Digital Imaging - large-format backdrops & murals
Rosco International
Scala - signage networks
Seetron - LCD displays
SkyDancers - air puppets
Spectrum Corporation - moving message
Steelcase - Wizard WebSigns interactive signage & room booking
Stellarium - 3-D star maps
Sunnywell Display Systems - LED displays
Tech Electronics - video message boards
The Living Earth - hi-res earth images
US CAVALRY - military, police, & survival gear
UVFX Scenic Productions - day-night, dual image, 3D, & materialising images
Vantage Lighting - logo & gobo projectors
Verti Belle Inc. - hand painted blinds & drapes
Vorne Electronic - Alphanumeric LED Displays

› Electronic Paper

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Anoto - wireless paper
E Ink - electronic paper displays
Electronic Paper project

› Show & Countdown Clocks

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Applied Technical Systems - clocks & displays
BRG Precision
Electro-Numerics - clocks & counters
ESE - master clocks
GammaTech - TOD & countdown
Klockit - loads of clocks & clock parts
Museum TechnologySource - countdown clock

• Effects

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Adirondack Scenic -- exhibits & effects
Airmagic - pyrotechnics, atmospheric, & water effects
AVG - themed experiences
Burst Electronics - VMF-2 video mixer-fader
Cycling '74 - Cyclops (controls multimedia in response to live camera input)
Derivative - Touch 3D interactive visuals
Element Labs - VersaTile video-light display
ESE - ES-233 video fade-to-black
Exhibit Forms Company
Fiber Optic Lighting
Fiber Optic Systems - stars, fireworks, globes, & signs
FogScreen - fog curtain projection surface
G-LEC - LED curtain
High End Systems - DL1 moving head video projector
IEC Party supplies
iMatte - blanks video projection onto an actor
IMEASY - audio spatialisation system
International Robotics Inc. - visual effects
IOSONO wave-field-synthesis system
Kymystical Magic - chemical effects
Laser Magic - Anti-Gravity waterfalls
Laser Magic - plasma sculptures
Laser Magic - TransScreen 3D holo effect
Le Maitre - bubble machine
Le Maitre - non-flame flame effects
Le Maitre - snow machine
LEDTronics - LED lamps & indicators
Legacy Effects
Lightning Strikes - lightning effects
Lumin-oZ - 3D screens can be vacuum formed
Martin Engineering - air cannons (can also shoot water columns)
O WONDER BiT BOPPER - Video Synthesizer
ODD Ltd. - small-scale water screens (including indoor)
PEM Fountain Co. - water screens & effects
Perfect Circle Paintballs
Performance Pyrotechnic Associates - pyro firing systems to time-code
Rando Productions Inc - Mechanical Special Effects
Rebeccas Novelty Warehouse - glow products
Resonance Research - electrical displays & effects
Rosco - large-format flex & shrink mirrors
Sally Corporation - Animatronics, Dark Rides, Special Effects
ShowLED - starcloths using LED's
ShowTex - theatrical drapery (starcloth systems)
Sigma Services - flame, fog, confetti, & water effects
Sky-Skan, Inc. - planetarium effects projectors
Specialty Effect Supply
Studio TEK-Fx
Technifex - themed effect design
the elumenati - fisheye hemispherical video projection
Theatre Effects
UVFX - UV scenic productions
UVFX Scenic Productions - day-night, dual image, 3D, & materialising images
WET Design Fountains - water fountains & features

› Fog & Mist Systems

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Airmagic - pyrotechnics, atmospheric, & water effects
Antari - fog machines
CITC Special Effects- mist, haze, fog, & snow systems
City Theatrical - dry ice fogger
FogScreen - fog curtain projection surface
Interesting Products - LN2 (liquid Nitrogen) fog systems
Le Maitre - fog systems
MDG - fog & mist systems
Rosco - fog systems (water based)
Sigma Services - flame, fog, confetti, & water effects

› Green-Blue Screen

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Composite Components Company - Traveling Matte Backings For Composite Photography
iMatte - blanks projection onto a presenter
InterSense, Inc. - Motion Tracking
Lastolite - chroma key backgrounds
Line-by-Line - teleprompters
Lowel-Light Manufacturing, Inc.
Photoflex - collapsable green-blue screens
Reflecmedia - reflective chromakey system
Rosco - paint, fabric, & tape
Rosco International - paint, fabric, & tape
Rose Brand - Chroma Key fabric
Serious Magic - Ultra-Key keying software
vi[z]rt - virtual sets

› Laser Systems

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AVI - Laser systems
Beta Electronics - high power red & green Laser pointers
BOLT - high powered red & green Laser pointers
Coherent, Inc.
Holo Spectra
Laser Fantasy International - Laser systems
Laser Innovations - sales, service, and repair of Coherent and Spectra-Physics
Laser Magic
Laser Spectacles, - Laser systems & 3D viewing
Lighting Systems Design - Laser systems
LOBO - Laser systems
Pangolin Laser Systems - Lasershow Designer Software
SkyPointer - high power green Laser pointer
Spectra-Physics - solid-state Lasers

› Pyro

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Airmagic Special Effects - Pyrotechnics, Special Effects, Water Entertainment
Astro Pyrotechnics
blacksky - rocketry & pyrotechnics
Firefox Enterprises - pyrotechnic FX
Fireone - pyrotechnics control
Kymystical Magic - pyro effects
Le Maitre - indoor pyrotechnics
Sam Woodward Pyrotechnics - pyro control
Sigma Services Inc. - flame & smoke effects

› Scent

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Alpha Aromatics - fragrances & fragrance bases
AromaTech - fragrances
Articulight Fragrance Systems - scent canons
Dale Air - scents for displays
Duftmaschinen - scent canon (Germany)
Fragrance Systems - scent canons
MIT 'Smell as Media' reference & links
RealAroma(C) - digital scent canon
Scent Air Technologies
TFF - Technology Flavors & Fragrances
The Smoke Company - Fragrance Machines

• Exhibit Fabrication

Return to INDEX
Academy Studios
BBH inc. - travelling exhibits
Boss Display
Chase Studio,Inc.
Design Craftsmen
Design Dimension
Display Dynamics
Dixon Studios
EBI Exhibit Builders, Inc.
Edwards Technologies - major themed venues
Exhibit Engineering
Exhibit Forms Company
Exoscope Design and Fabrication
Feature Factory
General Exhibits & Displays
Lynch Exhibits
Maltbie Associates
NatureMaker - replica trees
Northern Light CoDesign
Palumbo Associates, Inc.
Quatrefoil Associates
Ripley's Aquarium - aquarium fabrication
Science Projects
Universal Services - interactive exhibits

• Lighting

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Pathway - DMX splitters, converters, & distro
Ribbon Lift - electric lifts
Topbulb - bulbs & lamps of all types

› Dimming Systems - Controllers

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Alcorn McBride - DMX recorder
American DJ - portable dimmers & disco lights
Artistic Licence -- lighting control & DMX accessories
CDS - low cost portable dimming
Dove Lighting Systems
Durand Interstellar - RS-232 to DMX converter
ecue - lighting control
ELC lighting - DMX tools for LAN, Palm, & wireless
ENTTEC - DMX recorder - RS232 controllable
ETA Systems
ETC - Lighting
Flying Pig Systems - Whole Hog consoles
Gray Interfaces - DMX accessories
High End Products - Handshake Palm Pilot DMX control
Interactive Technologies - wireless DMX
Leprecon - consoles, dimmers, & converters
Leprecon - LD-340 inexpensive portable dimmers
Lutron Electronics
Maris - Show and Lighting control
Mediamation - CL6-1800 MIDI Dimmer (inexpensive)
NSI - DDS series portable dimmers
Show Distribution - Ghost DMX phone interface
SpectraScan - DMX modules
Strand Lighting
Virtual Lighting - IP-based lighting control

› Fibre Optic Lighting

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Fiber Optic Lighting
Fiber Optic Systems - stars, fireworks, globes, & signs
Lumenyte International

› Fixed Lights

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Altman Stage Lighting Company, Inc
ardiis - display lighting (museums)
ETC - Source Four
Kino Flo - fluourescent video lighting
Lighting Services - display, track, & fibre-optic
Lowel-Light Manufacturing, Inc.
LTM - TV & movie
Mole Richardson
Selecon - luminaires (pattern)
Strand Lighting
Strong International - follow spots
Uni-Par - coloured PAR cans

› Moving Lights

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Abstract - club-disco
ardiis - display lighting (museums)
Clay Paky - moving lights
Coemar - moving lights
High End Systems - DL1 moving head video projector
High End Systems - moving lights
Martin Lighting Director - APR (licensed distributor)
Martin Lighting Director - Martin site
Meteor Light and Sound - club lighting effects
Selecon - luminaires (pattern)
VARILITE - moving lights

› Scrolling Text

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Angstrom Finelight Projector
Holo Spectra Lasers - scrolling text

› Specialty & Effects

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Angstrom Stage Lighting - Finelight scenic-graphics projector
ardiis - display lighting (museums)
Artifex - custom Laser-etched gobos
Artistic Licence -- LED luminaires
Bend-a-lite - flexible neon
BIRKET Engineering - Strobe-Brik multi strobe controller - black light
Color Kinetics - coloured LED illuminators
Diversitronics - Strobes & Lighting Effects
Element Labs - VersaTile video-light display
GOBO EXPRESS - glass gobos
Graphic Globe - animated LED display inside a globe
Great American Market - efects lighting
High End Systems - DL1 moving head video projector
Ibox - video patterns modulated by audio
InLight Gobos - glass gobos
Kino Flo - fluourescent video lighting
LABINO - black light
Laser Fantasy - Lasers
Laser Magic - plasma sculptures
Laservision - automated Laser playback, systems, water screens
Lighting Services - display, track, & fibre-optic
Lightning Strikes - lightning effects
LUMID - custom architectural lighting fixtures
Meteor Light and Sound - club lighting effects
Neo-Neon - specialty neon
OptiLED - linear LED arrays with RGB colour blending
Permlight Products - aisle lighting
Rosco International
Selecon - luminaires (pattern)
Stiers - effect projectors
Technology Associates - LED illuminators
Tempo Industries - accent lighting
Vantage Lighting - logo & gobo projectors
Wahlberg Light & Motion Design - DMX-controlled shutter for LCD-DLP video projectors

›› Large-Format Still Image

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Esperanto - ImageContinue looping projector
Production Arts Lighting - Projection (PANI PIGI)
Rosco - IMAGEPRO™ gobo slide projector
Stiers - effect projectors

• Misc

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Aluma-Tek - aluminum flooring
Beta Electronics - high power red & green Laser pointers
BigBuzzDesigns - foam sculptures
Canesta - projected keyboard (Laser)
Captivate Network - wireless streaming of content to LCD panels in elevators
Colormaker Floors - coloured & decorative concrete floors
Cycling '74 - Cyclops (controls multimedia in response to live camera input)
DIEM - body sensors (for dancers) MIDI output
Dynascan - 360-degree LED display
Enchantways - interactive key system
End PC Noise - parts to reduce PC generated noise
Filmmaker Store - Software for filmmaking, screenwriting, and producing
Firearm Training Systems - interactive archery & firearms simulators
FogScreen - dry fog projection screen
G-LEC - LED curtain
Graphic Globe - animated LED display inside a globe
Ibox - video patterns modulated by audio
Inside Out Networks - USB sensors (proximity, humidity, temp, water, etc.)
International Robotics Inc. - specialty performers
International Robotics Inc. - water walls
Jestertek - gesture controlled displays
Klockit - clock & timer parts
Laser Shot Shooting Simulations
Logitech - iO digital pen & paper
McMaster-Carr - hardware & fittings
Metro RP - rapid prototyping & 3D modelling
Minotaur Maze Exhibits - immersive educational environments
Mobot, Inc. - interative tour guide robots
NAMC - NATS POS concession vendor
Nana Wall Systems - folding & moving glass wall systems & doors
NatureMaker - replica trees
OptiMusic - interactive light beam MIDI controller
Photo-Sonics - high speed digital cameras for rides
Q Systems Engineering - remote monitor system
Ribbon Lift - electric lifts
Rosetta Stone - language learning software
Script Werx - WORD templates for writing film or video scripts
ShowTex - theatrical drapery (starcloth systems)
SmartSkin - Sony information site
Soundbeam - gestural MIDI controller
Spherical Concepts - custom spheres & globes
Splashpower - wireless power for portable devices - customised floor mats
The Soundbeam Project - ultrasonic beam MIDI controller
UCLA Hypermedia Studio - experimental interactive technologies
Virtual Guidebooks - QTVR panoramas
VKB - virtual projected keyboard
WET Design Fountains - water fountains & features

› Video Soapboxes & Photo Booths

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Hines Lab - 3-D photo booth
Image Pro - photo booths & digital kiosks
Kiosk-In-A-Box - can capture audio & video
LiveWave - video soapbox kiosks
Power Interactive - photo booth (drops vistor into pre-loaded photo)
SiteKiosk - can capture video
Smart Industries - photo & movie booths

• Planetarium Related

Return to INDEX (Kiel Planetarium) - source for allskies
American Science & Surplus
Andreas Scholl - Planetaria in Germany
Apollo Presentations - projector accessories
Arion Corporation - projector & multi-image controllers
Astro-tec - domes
AVI - Laser systems
BCA Manufacturing - Wess slide mounts
Bencher - copy stands
Beta Electronics - high power red & green Laser pointers
blender3d - open-source software for 3D modeling & animation
BOLT - high powered red & green Laser pointers
Bowen Productions
Burst Electronics - VMF-2 video mixer-fader
Cavotec - slip rings
Chandra X-Ray Observatory -on-line images
ChimPANzee - Software for Panoramas and All-Skies
Coulter Optical - CCD imaging
Dan's Astronomy Software Collection
DATATON - Watchout image combining & blending playback
Deep Space 1 - images & info
DewShields - freeware astronomy programs
Digitalis - Digitarium small-dome digital planetarium
Digitalis Education Solutions - Digitarium portable digital planetarium projector
East Coast Controls - automation
Edmund Scientific
EfstonScience - Canadian dist for Edmund Scientific
Electrosonic - video decks & show control
Evans & Sutherland Digital Theater Products
Fisher Science Education
Gamma Tech - digital imaging bureau
Gamma Tech - slides & negs from digital files
Gamma Tech Digital Imaging - slides, scanning, & printing
Garry T. Stasiuk
GOTO Optical
Home Dome - fibreglass observatory domes
Home Run Pictures - all-dome & partial-dome animation production
Home Run Pictures - animation & special effects
Hubble SOURCE - interactive astronomy programs
IMEASY - audio spatialisation system
International Dark Sky Association
IOSONO wave-field-synthesis system
IPS - International Planetarium Society
Iwerks - 8-70 & simulators
Jan Sifner - electronic controlled shutters for LCD projectors
Joe Hopkins Engineering
JPL Education Gateway
Laser Fantasy International - Laser systems
Laser Spectacles, - Laser systems & 3D viewing
Laserium - Laser shows
Lighting Systems Design - Laser systems
Lightning Strikes - lightning effects
Lightning Strikes! - controlled lightning FX
LM Productions - StratoSphere portable domed projection theatre
LOBO - Laser systems
Loch Ness Productions
Lumenyte International - fibre optic (cove lighting)
LunaCorp - robotic moon lander
MEGASYSTEMS INC. - 8-70 projection
Konica Minolta - digital film scanners
MMI Corporation - GOTO distributor
NASA Earth Observatory - images
NEOS Technologies - Laser systems
Observa-Dome - observatory domes
Omni Q - show control & automation
OptiLED - linear LED arrays with RGB colour blending
Pangolin Laser Systems - Lasershow Designer Software
Panoram Technologies - edge blending
Panorama Tools - panoramic stitching software
Phil Plait's Bad Astronomy site
Prairie Logic - 180 & 360 degree video capture and playback
Precision Timing, Master Clock and Signal Distribution by ESE
PTAssembler - front-end for Panoramo Tools stitching software
Seiler Instrument - NA Zeiss rep & service
Silicon Graphics
Silicon Optix - Image Anyplace scaler with geometric correction
Silicon Optix - Image Anywhere
Sky Maps - sky maps, guides, & star atlases
Sky-Skan, Inc.
SkyPointer - high power green Laser pointer
STARLAB - Portable Planetarium
Starlight Productions
Starry Night - astronomy software
Stellarium - 3D star field display
Stephen Hawking's Universe
the elumenati - fisheye hemispherical video projection
The Living Earth - hi-res earth images
The Planetary Society
Topbulb - bulbs & lamps of all types
Wahlberg Light & Motion Design - DMX-controlled shutter for LCD-DLP video projectors
Orrery Maker - Orrerys & other planetary machinery

• Science Demos & Exhibits

Return to INDEX
American Science & Surplus
Andomeda Software - science software
Aurora Color Television Project
AutoTap - automotive diagnostic scanner to RS-232
Beta Electronics - high power red & green Laser pointers
blacksky - rocketry & pyrotechnics
BOLT - high powered red & green Laser pointers
Carl's Electronics - electronic & robotics kits
Carolina Biological
CIPE - Center for Image Processing in Education
Dan's Astronomy Software Collection
DewShields - freeware astronomy programs
Digitalis Education Solutions - Digitarium portable digital planetarium projector
Edmund Scientific
EfstonScience - Canadian dist for Edmund Scientific
Electrophysics - IR thermal imaging systems
Fiber Optic Systems - stars, fireworks, globes, & signs
Fisher Science Education
Home Dome - fibreglass observatory domes
Hubbard Scott Scientific Resources
Hubble SOURCE - interactive astronomy programs
ICC - IR thermal imaging systems
ILI - IR thermal imaging
Indigo - IR thermal imaging systems
Informal Learning Experiences, Inc.
Inside Out Networks - USB sensors (proximity, humidity, temp, water, etc.)
JTS Machinery & Supply Co. - tooling & metalworking supplies
K'NEX - creative construction toy
LangStone - rocks for lunarscapes & marsscapes
Laser Magic - plasma sculptures
LEGO Educational Material
Lindsay's Technical Books - unusual plans, secrets, & processes
LunaCorp - robotic moon lander
Meteorite Man - meteorite products & photos
Mikron - IR thermal imaging systems
Milford Instruments - robotic kits & animatronic control
Minotaur Maze Exhibits - immersive educational environments
Mobot, Inc. - BugBot robotic insectarium camera
MODELLKAMMAREN AB - science & technology models
NanoMuscle - miniature linear transducers
Novaspace - space photos & art
Observa-Dome - observatory domes
opgal - IR thermal imaging systems (also components)
ProScope - USB microscope
Rainbow Symphony - 3D glasses, photos, & art
Red Rover, Red Rover - mars rover control package
Resonance Research - electrical displays & effects
Ripley's Aquarium
Robert's Gadgets & Gizmos
RobotiKitsDirect - A Whole New World In Science Kits
Robotronics - safety education robots & materials
Scalar Scopes - video microscopes (Scope on a Rope)
School Technology Resources
Science & Art - science & space photos & art
Science Mall-USA - science gifts and collectibles from Jensan Scientifics
Science Projects
Sierra Pacific - IR thermal imaging systems
Sky Maps - sky maps, guides, & star atlases
SkyPointer - high power green Laser pointer
Space Craft International - model kits
Space Images
Space Shots - space-oriented shop
Spherical Concepts - custom spheres & globes
SPI Corp - IR thermal imaging
Splashpower - wireless power for portable devices
STARLAB - Portable Planetarium
Stellarium - 3D star field display
Technisonic Studios - Difference of One interactive
The Spy Store
UCLA Hypermedia Studio - experimental interactive technologies
Orrery Maker - Orrerys & other planetary machinery

› Web Resources

Return to INDEX
All-Info About - Science for Families
BNSC - British National Space Centre
Center for Educational Technologies
Chandra X-Ray Observatory - images
Deep Space 1
Eisenhower National Clearinghouse
IEEE Virtual Museum—The history of electricity, electronics, and computers
International Dark Sky Association
JPL Education Gateway
Mathematical Software - list of links
Moonlink - education, outreach program of the Lunar Prospector Mission
NASA Earth Observatory
National Geographic Online
National Optical Astronomy Observatory
Phil Plait's Bad Astronomy site
Space Telescope Science Institute
Stephen Hawking's Universe
The Living Earth - hi-res earth images
The Planetary Society
Treasure Troves of Science
US Government Science & Technology Web Resources

• Seating - Crowd Control

Return to INDEX
American Seating
Avant - Photo ID Camera Laminating Machines Video Imaging System Card Printing Services
Boca Systems - ticket printers
Clarin Seating
Ebco - crowd control
Figueras - auditorium & cinema seating
Hussey Seating Company
Irwin Seating Company
IWS - photo ID & image management
Koolfog misting systems
Lawrence Metal Products - crowd control
Minotaur Amusements - mazes
Omron - card readers
Permlight Products - aisle lighting
PICS SmartCard - smartcards
Quinette Gallay - high-end seating
Seating Concepts
STAGING CONCEPTS - lightweight portable staging

› Tracking Systems

Return to INDEX
3M - RFID tracking solutions
Aleis International - RFID
IdentiTrack - RFID (specialise in animals and people)
InfoChip Systems - RFID
Omron - RFID
RFID, Inc.
Texas Instruments - RFID
Wheels of Zeus - RFID
Zebra - RFID

• Sets - Models - Replicas

Return to INDEX
Ash-Stevenson Inc - Theatre drapes, tracks, etc.
Atelier Multiversions - Interactive models - maquettes interactives
Atta Inc. - figures, objects, 3D surfaces
BigBuzzDesigns - foam sculptures
Bravo Productions - floats and scenery
Bruns - technical working models
Colorado Hardscapes - custom artificial rock
Custom Plastics - Disney globes
DeClercq's Theatrical Specialties - draperies
Design Toscano - historical reproductions
Display Products, - fabric drapes & skirts
Dynamic Design and Imaging - Themed Entertainment, 3D Visualization, Virtual Sets
Harlequin Floors
Historic Space Systems - space exhibits
Laserod - Laser cutting
Metal Fabricators & Welding Ltd. - water jet cutting
Minotaur Amusements - mazes
Museum Replicas Limited
Rosco International
Stellarium - 3-D star maps
TechniFab - Precision Laser Job Shop
The Living Earth - hi-res earth images
Universal Services - interactive exhibits
vi[z]rt - virtual sets
Waterjet & Laser Job Shop

• VR & Immersive Environments

Return to INDEX
Amusitronix - interactive VR games
Ascension Technology - motion trackers
Canesta - projected keyboard (Laser)
Cybernet Interactive - FireFly motion capture
Cycling '74 - Cyclops (controls multimedia in response to live camera input)
Cycling '74 - Max interactive MIDI software
DATATON - Watchout image combining & blending playback
DIEM - body sensors (for dancers) MIDI output
eDimensional - 3D Glasses, immersive chair
Elumens - VisionDome & VisionStation
End PC Noise - parts to reduce PC generated noise
Evans & Sutherland
Fakespace Systems Inc. - CAVE immersive engineering environment
Firearm Training Systems - interactive archery & firearms simulators
Flogiston - immersive cyberspace systems
Gyroscope Interactive Photography - Quicktime VR production
Home Run Pictures - all-dome & partial-dome animation production
Hyperinstruments Group - cutting-edge interfaces
i-O Display Systems - head-mounted displays
Ibox - video patterns modulated by audio
IMEASY - audio spatialisation system
InterSense - motion tracking
IOSONO wave-field-synthesis system
IQ Display - i-glasses head-mounted displays
JesterTek Inc. - non-contact touchscreens
Laser Fantasy International
Laser Shot Shooting Simulations
LM Productions - StratoSphere portable domed projection theatre
Making Things - Teleo IO system & interactive modules
Matrox - 3D talking head with HeadCasting
Microvision - NOMAD SVGA head-mounted display
Minotaur Maze Exhibits - immersive educational environments
OptiMusic - interactive light beam MIDI controller
Panoram Technologies - edge blending
Polhemus - real-time 3D motion capture
Prairie Logic - 180 & 360 degree video capture and playback
Responsive Environments Group - cutting-edge sensor technology
Ripley's Aquarium - immersive aquariums
Silicon Optix - Image Anyplace scaler with geometric correction
Soundbeam - gestural MIDI controller
Spitz Inc. - Sci-Dome single-projector system
the elumenati - fisheye hemispherical video projection
The Living Earth - hi-res earth images
The Soundbeam Project - ultrasonic beam MIDI controller
UCLA Hypermedia Studio - experimental interactive technologies
Virtual Fishing - sportfishing simulator
Virtual Vision - VR headsets
Vivid Group - Mandala full-body video input device
Vivid Mandala GX System - whole body gesturing system
vi[z]rt - virtual sets
VKB - virtual projected keyboard
VR Standard Corp - 3D VR glasses
Zeiss (North America)

› 3D

Return to INDEX
3D perception
3DExpo - Depth Charge plug-in
3DV Systems - 3D video
Cybernet Interactive - FireFly motion capture
DDD - Dynamic Digital Depth -- 3D film
DDD - Dynamic Digital Depth -- 3D
Derivative - Touch 3D interactive visuals
eDimensional - 3D Glasses & software
HinesLab, Inc.
HOLOPHILE, INC. - holograms
Laser Magic - 3D holographic projection
Legacy Effects - have done 3D
Lightspeed 3D Cinema
ODD Ltd. - floating 3D video images
OPD Corp. - 3D kiosks
Polhemus - real-time 3D motion capture
Prairie Logic - 180 & 360 degree video capture and playback
Rainbow Symphony - 3D glasses, photos, & art
Reel 3-D Enterprises, Inc
StereoGraphics Corp. - shutter glasses & direct view LCD monitor
UVFX Scenic Productions - 3D static images & backgrounds
Vantage Lighting-Hologram Projectors
VR Standard Corp - 3D VR glasses
VRex - IR shutter glasses
Way Cool 3D - 3D kiosks, tables, floors, etc.

› Interactive Panoramas

Return to INDEX
Apple - QuickTime
BeHere Technologies - 360 videos (sports events)
Denis Tremblay - QTVR panorama photographer
Internet Pictures Corporation (iPIX)
iPIX - Internet Pictures Corporation
Pixit Productions - virtual tours
Virtual Guidebooks - QTVR panoramas
Zoomify - high-res zoomable imaging for web

› Simulators

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Doron - cabin systems
Intamin Leisure - rides & simulators
Moog - platforms
nWave Pictures - ride & simulator film producers
Reflectone - platforms
Thomson Entertainment
ViRtogo - platforms & seats

› Wearable Computing Gear

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L3 Systems - wearable wrist keyboard
TekGear - wearable computers
ViA - wearable computers
Xybernaut Corporation - wearable computer

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